Here are the top web browsers used by RubyForge users:
select browser, ver, count(browser) from activity_log
group by browser, ver order by count desc limit 10;
browser | ver | count
MOZILLA | 5 | 578495
OTHER | 0 | 260163
IE | 6 | 175654
MOZILLA | 3 | 11879
IE | 5.5 | 9799
IE | 5 | 5549
MOZILLA | 4 | 4457
IE | 5.01 | 875
OPERA | 8.5 | 831
MOZILLA | 3.01 | 767
Not many folks are using IE < 6.0, it seems. And lots of Mozilla, which is nice. Of course, these can be spoofed, blah blah. But still!
Updated 11/3/05