Rich and I were talking about RubyForge themes and which ones were being used. Thus this query:
select t.fullname as "Theme", count(u.theme_id) as People
from users u, themes t
where u.theme_id = t.theme_id
group by t.fullname
order by People desc;
And the results:
Theme | People |
OSX (default) | 7784 |
GForge | 990 |
Bruce William's theme | 220 |
UltraLite | 219 |
I'm suprised more folks aren't using at Bruce's theme; it's pretty nice. I suppose most folks just stick with the default theme, which is probably reasonable.
To try out the various themes, click on "My Account" link in the top right hand corner of any RubyForge page and select one of the themes from the dropdown box near the middle of the page. Enjoy!