If you're using Monit to restart a Mongrel cluster, you'll probably run into the problem detailed here - that is, Monit reports "execution failed" when trying to restart a mongrel instance. The problem is that mongrel_rails
is usually in /usr/local/bin/
, and Monit doesn't put /usr/local/bin in the PATH. That blog post's comments have a variety of suggestions and you'll find similar ideas around the web, such as:
- Edit
and mungeENV['PATH']
- Uglify the Monit script's
to call/usr/bin/env PATH=/usr/local/bin
- Symlink
That last suggestion seems fairly painless... but still clumsy.
So, here's another way. Are you compiling monit from source? Good! Edit env.c
and change line 158:
/* BEFORE */
char *path = "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin";
/* AFTER */
char *path = "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin";
A quick make && sudo make install
and there you go! /usr/local/bin
is now on the PATH. Enjoy!