Now that the dust is settling from the big RubyForge move to the new hardware, I wanted to mention a couple of small bug fixes.
There was a bug that prevented you from deleting a tracker. Here's the fix to common/include/ArtifactType.class:
< WHERE EXISTS (SELECT artifact_id FROM artifact
< WHERE group_artifact_id='".$this->getID()."'
< AND artifact.artifact_id=artifact_history.artifact_id)");
> WHERE EXISTS (SELECT artifact_id FROM artifact a
> WHERE a.group_artifact_id='".$this->getID()."'
> AND a.artifact_id=artifact_monitor.artifact_id)");
Next there was a bug prevented you from disallowing anonymous postings on a forum. Here's the fix for common/include/ArtifactType.class - just a new function:
And a call to it from www/tracker/admin/update.php:
> $ath->updateAllowAnon($allow_anon);
Finally, here's a small patch to common/search/FrsSearchQuery.class that clears up some SQL errors:
<$sql = 'SELECT package_id, name FROM frs_package WHERE group_id = \''.$groupId.'\' ORDER BY name';
>$sql = 'SELECT package_id, name FROM frs_package WHERE group_id = \''.$groupId.'\'';
Dennis Oelkers and I are also working on getting the mirror push mechanism working for the mirror that Bytemark provides (yay Bytemark!). Once we get it working for the mirror and the set up process documented, we'll start bringing more mirrors onboard and spreading the load around. And Dennis has written a script to pull mirrors out of the rotation if they're unreachable, which up to now I've been doing manually. Good times!