Allan Caplan has come up with a new PMD optimization rule - this one finds places where booleans are being inverted like this:
x = !x; // slow
x = x ? false : true; // slow
The above code works, but using XOR is about twice as fast:
x ^= true; // fast!
Original credit for this discovery goes to Dr Heinz Kabutz; he did a nice writeup on this. Note that the writeup doesn't include the XOR bytecode; here it is:
0: iconst_1
1: istore_1
2: iload_1
3: iconst_1
4: ixor
5: istore_1
6: return
It's several instructions smaller than the other methods, so the class file gets four bytes smaller, too!
Thanks again to Allan for putting together a nice patch with this rule - he even included complete unit tests! Excellent work, Allan!
Updated: Fixed example of the right way to do it; thanks to Leslie Hensley for the catch!
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