A while back I ported an application from Rails 4.2 to Rails 5; all went well, but adding those params
keys to the controller tests was pretty tedious. Then last week I was upgrading an app from rspec 2 to 3 and was ready to embark on another long journey of syntax fixes when I came across Yuji Nakayama's transpec. What a great utility, just a wonderful timesaver. Leigh Halliday has written a fine overview of transpec so I won't repeat that here, but, if you're upgrading rspec, this will save you many hours.
More generally, there are a bunch of utilities that parse Ruby code (flay, reek, flog, etc), but not as many that actually rewrite it. I use "rewrite" vs "transpile" or something only because the primary gem I found that supports rewriting Ruby code is parser, and the class which wraps up the code modification process is Parser::Source::Rewriter
. Thanks to the rubygems.org API endpoint for fetching reverse dependencies (e.g., curl https://rubygems.org/api/v1/gems/parser/reverse_dependencies.json
) it's easy to see which gems depend on parser. Here are a couple of interesting ones.
First up is transpec. As I mentioned, rspec 3 introduced a bunch of syntax changes from rspec 2, and transpec rewrites your specs to make those changes. It's a pretty mechanical translation, so it seems ideal to send a machine to do the job. Here's an example diff:
- Foo.should_receive(:find).with("42").and_return(x)
+ expect(Foo).to receive(:find).with("42").and_return(x)
To do this, transpec has a Converter
class with a process
method that accepts a Transpec::AST::Node
instance that's the root of the abstract syntax tree of a particular spec. Here's an example of the AST for x=42
(the AST for an actual spec is much bigger, of course):
require 'parser/current'
require 'transpec/ast/builder'
buffer = Parser::Source::Buffer.new("test").tap{ |b| b.source = "x=42" }
s(:lvasgn, :x,
s(:int, 42))
This AST is generated by the parser gem by way of astrolabe, which is a library that (per its README) provides "an object-oriented AST extension for Parser". It has all sorts of handy features, like providing the ability to iterate over all nodes of a particular type in a subtree. The lvasgn
and int
symbols are AST node types; lvasgn
is more or less "left hand side value assignment". There's a list of all possible types in Parser::Meta::NODE_TYPES
, and astrolabe has meta-programming that defines useful methods from that list.
transpec manages the code transformations via a collection of Transpec::Syntax
subclasses, each one of which handles a specific type of change. For example the migration of should_receive
into expect
is handled by Transpec::Syntax::ShouldReceive
. Each class analyzes a node, and if applicable, calls a method like insert_after_multi
(to insert code after a particular location) on the source rewriter. An interesting thing about parser's source rewriter - calling a method like replace
doesn't just slap in a new blob of code. Instead, it appends a Rewriter::Action
to a queue for later processing. This enables detecting two changes which would clobber each other and raise an exception while leaving things in a good state.
At the beginning of this post I mentioned upgrading an app to Rails 5 and fixing up all the tests since, as Abhishek Jain explains nicely here, Rails 5 uses kwargs for controller tests. This particular project is using test-unit, but if I had been using rspec I could have used rails5-spec-converter, which does a straightforward conversion:
- post :create, {}
+ post :create, params: {}
rails5-spec-converter is similar to transpec in that it's using parser's Parser::Source::Rewriter
along with astrolabe. Internally there's a Rails5::SpecConverter::TextTransformer#transform
method that spelunks around the AST and eventually calls Parser::Source::Rewriter#replace
to effect the transformation if necessary. Scanning TextTransformer
gives you a feel for how delicate a source code transformation is, especially if you need to preserve indentation, newlines, and so forth.
I couldn't find a similar project for test-unit, but 1) maybe I missed it and 2) seems like a rails5-testunit-converter would be doable or 3) maybe rails5-spec-converter could be generalized. By someone.
No post on Ruby source rewriting - or Ruby static analysis in general - would be complete without a mention of Bozhidar Batsov's rubocop. Rubocop is a well-known static analysis tool that can locate all sorts of problems with a codebase. More to the point for this post, it can also fix certain classes of issues. For example, it can replace old-style Ruby hash formatting like "foo" => 42
with the modern style foo: 42
. The rubocop base class Rubocop::Cop::Cop
includes a AutocorrectLogic
module which provides a support_autocorrect?
method which delegates back to the check's autocorrect
method. So, UselessArraySplat
supports autocorrection because it just involves removing a splat operator, but UselessAssignment
does not, because in the case of a unnecessary assignment a human should determine if the entire statement can be removed. Internally rubocop has a nice way of wrapping this up; there's a RuboCop::Cop::Corrector
with a bunch of methods like insert_before
, replace
, and remove_leading
, most of which delegate to similarly-named methods on the Parser::Source::Rewriter
As I've been poking around these utilities I've been wondering what other tools could benefit from rewriting as opposed to just reading and reporting on Ruby source code. For example, a while back I wrote a small Rails cleanup utility, filter_decrufter; it reports issues like "EmployeesController after_filter 'set_name' has an :only constraint with a non-existent action name 'frobnicate'". But it could pretty easily make that change instead of just reporting it. Lots of possibilities!